Case Studies








Introduction to APES and Environmental Laws

Dialogues as Case Studies :  Endangered Species Act

The Case of the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker:
The Scientific Process and How It Relates to Everyday Life

Rising Temperatures, Differing Viewpoints: A Case Study on the Politics of Information


Ecosystems, Energy Flow and Natural Biogeochemical Cycles

Fish as Fertilizer: The Impacts of Salmon on Coastal Ecosystem

Watch Your Step: Understanding the Impact of Your Personal Consumption on the Environment

The Wolf, the Moose, and the Fir Tree: Who Controls Whom on Isle Royale? A Case Study of Trophic Interactions


Climate, Terrestrial and Aquatic Biodiversity

The Deforestation of the Amazon: A Case Study in Understanding Ecosystems and Their Value

The Petition: A Global Warming Case Study

A Killer Lake


Evolution and Biodiversity

My Brother’s Keeper: A Case Study in Evolutionary Biology and Animal Behavior

Chimpanzee Droppings Lead Scientists to Evolutionary Discovery

Little Mito: The Story of Where He Came From


Sustaining Biodiversity

The Dead Zone:
Ecology and Oceanography in the Gulf of Mexico

Threats to Biodiversity: A Case Study of Hawaiian Birds

The Effects of Coyote Removal in Texas:
A Case Study in Conservation Biology


Environmental Hazards and Human Health

Kermit to Kermette? Does the Herbicide Atrazine Feminize Male Frogs?

Cancer Cure or Conservation

To Spray or Not to Spray:
A Debate Over Malaria and DDT


Water and Water Pollution

The Wealth of Water:
The Value of an Essential Resource

On a Wing and a Prayer: A Wetland Mitigation Dilemma

The Fish Kill Mystery



Disappearing Marine Iguanas: A Case of Population Collapse

Eating PCBs from Lake Ontario: Is There an Effect or Not? A News Release Case

Too Many Deer! A Case Study in Managing Urban Deer Herds


Sustainable Cities and Waste

First in Flight, Last in Wetlands Preservation?

But It’s Just a Bottle of Water...

PCBs in the Last Frontier: A Case Study on the Scientific Method


Geology and Energy Resources

The Galapagos

The Tokaimura Accident: Nuclear Energy and Reactor Safety

Streams of Coal or Streams of Death?
A Toxicology Case Study


Food, Soil, and Pest Management

Pesticides: Can We Do Without Them?

Frankenfoods? The Debate Over Genetically Modified Crops

Irradiation: Is It Consumer-Friendly


Air Pollution and Global Climate Change

AH-CHOO! A Case Study on Climate Change and Allergies

On a Clear Day You Can See Forever

Breathing Easy About New Air Pollution Standards



Why Sex Is Good

Exaggerated Traits and Breeding Success in Widowbirds: A Case of Sexual Selection and Evolution

Uretero What? A Systems-level View of a Pregnancy with Medical Complications